In this guide, I will show you how to choose the best headshot photographers in Denver that you can afford. A professional headshot or portrait can be one of your most essential tools for your career or business. 

We will also cover finding the best portrait photographers in Denver. But first, let’s explore the difference between a headshot and a portrait.

Headshot photographers in Denver vs. Portrait photographers in Denver

What’s the difference between headshots and portraits? 

headshot photographers in denverGenerally, the headshot’s composition is a closer perspective of the head, shoulders, and sometimes chest. Excellent headshot photographers in Denver will deliver what you need.

A headshot is also considered a portrait, but not the other way around. Above all, headshots represent the subject’s profession. There are specific looks for a businessperson, actor, artist, for example. 

Portraits have more leeway and embody the artistic vision of the photographer. Also, non-headshot portraits tend to show more of the subject in the frame. There are a variety of talented portrait photographers in Denver from which to choose.

For business owners and executives, environmental portraits are a perfect complement to a professional headshot. These can also complement lifestyle and personal branding campaigns.

Tip #1: Pricing  

The pricing of good headshot photographers in Denver typically starts around the three-hundred-dollar mark. Be careful, when it comes to headshots, shopping around by price could lead you astray. As for the pricing of portrait photographers in Denver, that will also start in the three-hundred-dollar range. 

Tip #2: Included services and products

Depending on the photographer, the price may include what is known as a session fee and a certain number of edited photos. Some photographers will take an a-la-carte approach and charge you a session fee not inclusive of photo files. In this case, there will be a charge per edited photo.

You may be wondering what ‘editing’ includes. No headshot photographers in Denver will deliver photos directly out of the camera. Photos need to be post-processed to convert the original RAW file into a more consumable format like jpeg. Ask your photographer what type of editing is included and how many final images to expect. 

Tip #3: Photographer’s Style

Another part of the ‘editing’ post-production process is retouching. Retouching is where your photographer will make you look like the best version of yourself. 

Removal of skin blemishes, adjustments of facial features, and color grading are all examples of this process. It is crucial to identify a few headshot photographers in Denver whose style you like. Check out their online portfolio and get in touch to see if both of you are socially compatible. 

Believe it or not, people react significantly in their expressions to how they feel about their photographer. Therefore, it is very important that you like your photographer. Your feelings toward your imaging pro will ultimately manifest itself visibly in your mood and expression.


Good luck on your search for a headshot or portrait photographer. Besides having a look at my portfolio and my studio, I would encourage you to do your research and use these three tips to choose the best photographer. Be patient and invest in yourself. Price should not be the sole determining factor, and you get what you pay for in this business.

Finally, if you are not happy with the results of your shoot ask for a reshoot. Before the shoot you should communicate clearly with your photographer and set clear expectations for what you have in mind. Good communication before the click of the camera is the best way to establish a baseline that everyone can get on board with.